Monday, April 13, 2009

Final Story

For the final story i thought about writing a feature story on the cardinal v.s cubs series that is occurring in a few weeks. since the rivalry between the cards and cubs is very known i thought it would appeal to many different people. if that isn't a good idea then i thought about doing an upcoming event on the all star game which will be happening in St. Louis in july. tickets for the all star game are running anywhere from $250 and up. for either of these stories i thought i would try to interview people who are going to either game, people who will be watching it somewhere other than busch stadium, maybe a cubs fan, and a person from the cardinals.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

4th Story Idea

 For the forth story I want to do an editorial on how underage drinking needs to me taken more seriously. I will include; facts, percentages, and even a story of someone I know who was killed in a drunk driving accident. I am taking the stand that more needs to be done to prevent teen drinking.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Story 3

For our 3rd story I thought about doing a Personal Narrative. I thought it might be interesting if I talked about when I had to begin chemotherapy, or when I had to shave my head because of my treatments. I thought either one of those would be something that is interesting and isn't something that you hear on a regular basis.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Danielle Deeke

For many years Danielle Deeke was part of many different sports teams, including volleyball. All of this ended quickly when she had to have knee surgeries to fix many different knee related problems. After dealing with all of these problems her volleyball career ended when she was in college.

Even though Danielle played many different sports, her main knee problems came from volleyball. “Basketball caused an MCL tear,” stated Deeke,” all other knee problem were MCL, ACL, or cartilage tears.”

If going through all those knee injuries wasn’t enough Danielle had to have surgery on both knee to, basically, reconstruct her knees. “Between the ages of 14 and 20 I have had five knee surgeries to fix all these problems,” explained Deeke.

While all of this was going on Danielle had to deal with much more than just leg problems. Her parents were on her back about still playing volleyball, when really she just wanted to quit. School work came next which was hard for her to catch up in. Different sicknesses and other medical situations followed. “ It is a relief knowing that volleyball won’t cause anymore injuries to me,” said Deeke.

Even after all of these surgeries Danielle still experiences some knee pain, occasionally. Her future is bright as she heads for a career in the Mass Communications field, but around the age of 40 she might need another surgery to fix any other problems.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Story 1 Idea

  For the first story I'm going to write about Legally Blonde the Musical. I thought this would be a good idea because they had a show on MTV about the musical and it is a new musical. I think this story will interest many teen girls about the musical. Also, I plan on interviewing someone at the fox theatre and people who saw the show to get their input.

In class assignment

  An 18-year-old student, Thomas Schwanke, was found in the basement of a dormitory on Southern Illinois University Edwardsville campus around 8:00 A.M. this morning. Police at the university believe that Schwanke fell two to ten stories down a trash chute around 2:00 A.M. Witnesses said that they saw Schwanke drinking alcohol earlier that morning.
  The Dean of Students at the university, Mary Rouse, said that this incident again raises concern about alcohol abuse on the campus.
  Schwanke is being treated at Anderson Hospital. The officials at the hospital declined to talk about the conditions of Schwanke.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Post

This is a test